Another year has flown by,

Angels in Embryo cover

Another year has flown by, and here we are in the Holiday Season. Some of you may be on retreat and contemplating "who am i , "what am i doing here", and what's my relationship with Source?".

Others may be out busy making lists, shopping, and organizing gatherings and meals with friends and family. Some may be planning to light candles and sit in prayer, or on the beach at the Solstice to watch the sun set. Hopefully we will all be giving and receiving warm hugs and smiles. (Like in the movie "Love Actually").

In the midst of all of this I have re-released a song from my first eponymous album "Buddy Comfort, (Mythical Beauty)", called “Angels in Embryo”. It features members of the Buddy Comfort Ensemble: Lorraine Hunt on viola, Stephen Huzur Coughlin on soprano sax, and myself on guitar and vocals.

“Angels in Embryo” affirms our true potential and realized nature.

This digital download is available from CD Baby

May your life be enfolded in prayers for Peace of mind, heart and planet, in Compassion, Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude and Grace,

Buddy Comfort

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