Spring and Healing.

Spring with its glorious sunshine and warm days are intermingled with the last days of winter’s cold wind and showers. The air is sweet with acacia, wild lilac, broom and plum blossoms. All the hills are a lush green and the meadows are sprinkled and carpeted with golden, pink and blue and purple flowers. Trees are bursting forth with new leaf buds, and the doves and mockingbirds are building nests in the mimosa trees. I am grateful and happy to be alive. My heart is filled with joy and love. My body is healing with so much help and love from an amazing healer and Gi Gung Teacher, ShuLei Tong, in Santa Cruz, CA. I had had constant pain in my shoulders for over a year. I went to the chiropractor who could only give me temporary relief with an adjustment. One night the pain was so excruciating that I went to the emergency room and was diagnosed with tendonitis given pain pills and sent home. I had very little mobility in both shoulders and arms and my posture was becoming more and more hunched over and contracted. I was becoming depressed from the pain, lethargic, overweight and addicted to sugar. I was in too much pain to play my guitar and my singing voice was constricted. On my first visit to ShuLei I experienced over 80% relief from the pain in my shoulders. and an increased mobility. She was able to locate the causes that other practitioners had not been able to assess. She is a master at finding the true root causes of maladies in the body and knowing what corrective restorative techniques to use from her vast experience and unique synthesis of ancient and advanced healing modalities. On subsequent visits she identified other areas relating to post surgical trauma in my neck and an old injury in the sacroiliac area. She also helped me release a congested area in my diaphragm and related spinal connections. She also recommended the appropriate nutritional supplements to compliment her treatments and the healing process. I have had two follow-up sessions. And in only two months I am now pain free standing straight, losing weight, lost my craving for sugar and have an abundance of energy. ShuLei Tong’s treatments enabled me to continue playing my instruments pain free and opened up my singing voice again. I highly recommend ShuLei Healing Arts to any one. www.ShuLeiHealingArts.com

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