Have a Beautiful Thanksgiving. I am Grateful. 

I am Grateful for my life, Grateful for my health, Grateful for the love in my heart. 

For the beauty all around me, the food upon my table, and the light that shines in my Soul.

I am Grateful for you all, so that I can continue to create music that you find valuable in your life.

Have a beautiful Thanksgiving!

Buddy Comfort



I’m about to reissue my long out of print popular first album. “Buddy Comfort - Mythical Beauty”. 

Good news! 

I’m about to reissue my long out of print popular first album. “Buddy Comfort - Mythical Beauty”.

It was released in 1981 on the Hearts of Space label as their first offering.

Buddy Comfort – Mythical Beauty     -     By Anna Turner and Stephen Hill

"Two things set this cassette apart from all else we offer. First it’s an album of songs rather than instrumental music: second, we recorded and produced ourselves, the only release to date on the HEARTS OF SPACE label. You’d expect us to be biased about…

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“The world is a mess. What can I do to change it?” 

A friend once said to me “The world is a mess". Then asked, "What can I do to change it?”

I answered:

 I can only live the most full and rich life that I can by participating in it, not by being just an observer. 

Garth Brooks once wrote in a song;

“I could have missed the pain

But I’ve had had to miss the dance”.

I can choose to be honest with myself, own what is mine, bear witness, speak my truth, choose my challenges wisely, and above all else do no harm.

I can only change the world by changing my own life and…

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May Peace Prevail on Earth 

May all conflicts within each individual, family, clan, community, country and the planet be quieted.

May the music in our hearts and souls be shared across all waters to bring our Global Family together in peace and joyful harmony.

May all barriers to true understanding be dissolved. And may we hear the wisdom that each one has to share. May we listen without fear or judgment, in truth in the Spirit of compassion, love and grace.

Please say the word “peace” in your own language.

May “peace “prevail on Earth. 

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What On Earth Are We Eating? 

During a retreat at Esalen Institute Alan Watts was asked what type of diet he followed. Since he was a philosopher of eastern thought and a man of wisdom, some guessed, perhaps it might be a macrobiotic or vegetarian diet. His reply was. “I only eat three kinds of foods; the gourmet cooking of the French, Chinese and Japanese.” Who knew? 

To have clear and accurate communication with each other, it is important to understand the definitions and the correct usage of words. For example in Italian, pesca…

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“I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days…” Kabir  

“I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days…” Kabir 

I've spent much of my life, especially when I was younger, just sitting and looking, or just sitting or lying down listening. Just sitting by a stream and being in the sound and movement of the moment of the water.  Just being, listening to human music and nature sounds; sacred choral, Bach cello, joyful birds, feathers moving in air, rustlings, crickets, frogs, the sigh of a dog. a fish bubble, wind in the grasses, silence. 


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Weapons are the tools of violence. All decent men detest them. 

Weapons are the tools of violence; 

All decent men detest them. 

Weapons are the tools of fear: 

A decent man will avoid them 

Except in the direst necessity 

And, if compelled, will use them 

only with the utmost restraint. 

Peace is the highest value. 

If the peace has been shattered, 

how can he be content? 

His enemies are not demons, 

but human beings like himself. 

He doesn’t wish them personal harm. 

Nor does he rejoice in victory. 

How could he rejoice in victory 

And delight in the slaughter of…

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Winter Solstice Message 

As the shortest day in this hemisphere approaches with the winter solstice   

I feel myself being still and reflecting upon where I am in my life physically, emotionally and with Spirit.

I feel myself on the promontory of earth spinning through space, the passage of time, and the possibilities of myself to heal that which troubles me. 

I pray that in these sacred times for each one, that peace of mind and heart and vibrant health will prevail around our precious blue green planet. 

May the forests be…

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