May Peace Prevail on Earth

May all conflicts within each individual, family, clan, community, country and the planet be quieted.

May the music in our hearts and souls be shared across all waters to bring our Global Family together in peace and joyful harmony.


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What On Earth Are We Eating?

During a retreat at Esalen Institute Alan Watts was asked what type of diet he followed. Since he was a philosopher of eastern thought and a man of wisdom, some guessed, perhaps it might be a macrobiotic or vegetarian diet…

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I Know You're Real

Here's a video by the group Gunhill Road.  I'd really like to share it with you. It's about how life is inextricably connected here on Earth on the inner and the outer dimensions.

"I Know You're Real" 

I Know You're

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Winter Solstice Message

As the shortest day in this hemisphere approaches with the winter solstice   

I feel myself being still and reflecting upon where I am in my life physically, emotionally and with Spirit.

I feel myself on the promontory of earth spinning…

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New Species of Bear

As the arctic north pole ice begins to recede more and more each summer in its hemisphere, the wild creatures there have been forced to make unprecedented adjustments to survive. 

Polar bears who rely on the ice fields to hunt…

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The Sanity of Humanity

In Nature's wild places lies the preservation of the sanity of humankind. It is our responsibility as human beings to insure that preservation. To insure that preservation, not only for ourselves but for all life on Earth.