George Harrison and the Tao Te Ching

I was reading a passage from the Tao Te Ching and was reminded of a song by George Harrison, “The Inner Light”.

I listened to it again and discovered that George was probably reading the same passage and was inspired to write the song.

Tao Te Ching - (47)

translated by Stephen Mitchell


Without opening your door

you can open your heart to the world.

Without looking out your window

you can see the essence of the Tao.


The more you know

the less you understand.


The Master arrives without leaving,

sees the light without looking,

achieves without doing a thing.


The Inner Light

George Harrison

“The Beatles Past Masters Volume Two”


Without going out of my door

I can know all things on earth.

Without looking out of my window

I can know the ways of heaven.


The farther one travels

The less one knows.

The less one really knows.


Without going out of your door

You can know all things on earth.

Without looking out of your window

You can know the ways of heaven.


The farther one travels

The less one knows.

The less one really knows.


Arrive without traveling.

See all without looking. Do all without doing.  

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